Luxury Hotel Experience

Rooms & Suites

Paradise Hotel

Our Rooms

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendu

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From $150/night

Double Room

Beautiful design with modern furnishings including a glamorous bay window with your own private view of Lucerne.

  • King Size Bed
  • 32 Inc TV
From $150/night

Double Room

Beautiful design with modern furnishings including a glamorous bay window with your own private view of Lucerne.

  • King Size Bed
  • 32 Inc TV
From $230/night

Superior Room

Beautiful design with modern furnishings including a glamorous bay window with your own private view of Lucerne.

  • King Size Bed
  • 32 Inc TV
Paradise Hotel

Main Facilities

Private Parking

High Speed Wifi

Bar & Restaurant

Swimming Pool

Paradise Hotel

Check Availability

Mea nibh meis philosophia eu. Duis legimus efficiantur ea sea. Id placerat tacimates definitionem sea, prima quidam vim no. Duo nobis persecuti cu.

Info and bookings+41 934 121 1334

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